How to build your own BGE table

First step is to make a drawing. Check this PDF file for the exact measurements:

BGE table measurements

Second step is using the wooden boards the most cost efficient way. Check this PDF file for the exact measurements:

Boards measurements

Then you need a shopping list of all the materials. Check this Excel file for the complete list.

Big Green Egg Table Large Budget

The costs mentioned are the Hornbach prices in the Netherlands.

We didn’t have an instruction manual. So below are some photos of the process. Any questions about assembling you can write at [email protected]

Cutting the wooden boards with the correct measurements

Use a soft brush to oil the Meranti wood. This gives it a nice shine and it is protected from all kinds of weather.

Predrilling the holes for the wooden dowels.

Tarring the Douglas wood.

Predrilling all the holes for the screws so the meranti boards are attached from the inside.

Putting the Douglas beams together using special glue and the wooden dowels.

Attaching the hinges to the doors.

Tarring all the MDF panels for the doors and the closet including the shelves.

Cutting the hole for the Big Green Egg large.

All of the Meranti wood sawn to fit the closet.

Putting it all together.

End result.